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Earning Commission

You earn commission on CAD Blocks Free by selling your models

The amount of commission you earn will depend on your VIP Level

Achieving a VIP Level

For every 1 GBP that you sell on CAD Blocks Free, you will earn 3 VIP Points

Every VIP Level has a threshold of VIP Points that will need to be earned on a rolling monthly basis in order to achieve and maintain that VIP Level

Our VIP Levels

Every new seller starts with a VIP Level of Bronze which will result in a 50% commission on every sale made

Here is the complete list of our VIP Levels along with the commission that they pay and the number of VIP Points required to achieve them

VIP Level VIP Points Required Commission Paid (%)
Bronze 0 50% Commission
Silver 100 60% Commission
Gold 200 70% Commission
Platinum 400 80% Commission
Diamond 600 90% Commission