Our experience with Ezoic

Why we use Ezoic?
I switched from Freestar to Ezoic after being a little nervous due to the lack of revenue Freestar generated for me, I thought it would be another sales pitch to promise me great results and deliver nothing special.... I was pleasantly surprised! After literally 3 days I could already see my revenue double than that of Freestar! After just over 3 weeks with Ezoic that has now leapt to almost 4 times the revenue. I am still shocked by how much more the website is earning with Ezoic. The onboarding process was very simple, all set up the same day! Alyson Courtney is my account manager and is great to deal with. So if you have a high traffic website and are not generating the ad revenue you expect please try Ezoic! You will not be disappointed. I am gutted I didn't try Ezoic years ago as I have lost thousands on the table with other AD partners!
Our journey
I started the online CAD website in 2012 to attract users to my other website which was providing professional CAD services in the architectural sector.
After launching www.cadblocksfree.com we realised the level of traffic coming to the site was growing very quickly.
We decided to add a lot more content to the website and within 3 months we had Google Adsense ads on the site.
At this stage the revenue was very low but it was good to see a small amount of revenue come in for all our efforts of creating content.
Over the next few years traffic kept growing. By 2018 we decided to reach out to AD prtners to try and improve the revenue which would allow us to reinvest any income back into the website. Our new ad partner performed quite well but we thought there was still room for improvement.
2021 we redesigned the website which was a bit painful as there was many errors and our new choice of Ad partner Freestar was a bad choice.
They reduced our ad revenue by circa 60%! This on top of the new website cost was a big hit. After researchng other ad partners we were approached by Ezoic.
Within a matter of days we could see the huge increae in revenue! This has continued over the last few months too :)
Please see the below graphs comparing Freestar with Ezoic.
(Freestar is at the top)